
Helical Bars

Helical bars strengthen unreinforced masonry walls. Use them to make brickwork more robust and less prone to cracking or failure under stress.

What are Helical Bars?

Helical bars are stainless steel reinforcing rods. Power rollers squeeze the rod to alter its shape. The shaped rod twists through a die to form a helix. The cold working doubles the rod's tensile strength. The twisting makes the bar more ductile.

What are Helical Bars used for?

The helix shape rod is excellent for bed joint reinforcement. The helix's peaks and troughs boost the bar's grip in mortar. Helical bars are helpful for various masonry repairs.

Use the bars to Stitch Cracked Walls. Insert a series of bars across a fracture at even intervals. Each bar must run 500 mm on each side of the crack. The bars absorb local stresses and release them over a wider area.

Use rods to form Retrofit Brick Lintels. Fit the reinforcement into two separate rows. Put a pair of helical bars in each. The bars must overhang each side of an opening by 500 mm. The spiral rods work with the adjoining brickwork to form brick beams and lintels. The lintels span window and door openings. They transfer load paths to areas of sound support.

Use the helical beams as Hoop-Iron Reinforcement. Bend the bars around corners to strap brickwork together. Helical bars help stabilise and strengthen walls that have lost some load-bearing capacity.

What makes Twistfix Helical Bars the Best?

  • They are the designers' upgrade of his earlier Helifix helibar product.
  • A unique twisting method gives our range of helical bars consistent attributes.
  • Our UKCA and CE Mark bars comply with BS EN 845:1 for strengthening masonry. The reinforcement resists tension loads of at least 8 kN.
  • The BRE publishes load tables for our bar and grout lintel system.

Twistfix keeps five diameters of spiral bars in stock. The bars are available to buy in various lengths. For best results, use the bars with WHO 60 masonry repair grout. Avoid using brittle resins as a bonding agent. The system provides a quick, easy and cost-effective means of reinforcing existing buildings. Call us for expert advice on helical bars.

9 items
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Crack Stitching Bars 6 mm x 1 m - 10 Pack

Crack Stitching Bars 6 mm x 1 m - 10 Pack

6 mm x 1 m crack stitching bars strengthen cracked masonry walls. These high-quality stainless-steel helical bars are in stock and sold in packs of 10 at low trade prices.
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6mm x 1.5m Crack Stitching Bars 10 PK

6mm x 1.5m Crack Stitching Bars 10 PK

6mm x 1.5m Masonry stitching bars to strengthen cracked brickwork. These 5mm stainless steel helical bars are sold in packs of 10 at trade prices.
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Long Crack Stitch Bars 6 mm x 2 m - 10 Pack

Long Crack Stitch Bars 6 mm x 2 m - 10 Pack

6mm crack stitching bars for strengthening cracked masonry walls. CE and UKCA compliant helical bars. High-tensile stainless-steel retrofit reinforcement - Pack of 10
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Price incl. VAT
Brick Stitching Bars 8 mm x 1 m - 10 Pack

Brick Stitching Bars 8 mm x 1 m - 10 Pack

8 mm x 1 m brick stitching bars reinforce cracked brickwork and masonry. These heavyweight helical bars are in stock and sold at low trade prices in packs of 10.
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Price incl. VAT
5mm x 7m Helical Reinforcing Bar - 5 Pack

5mm x 7m Helical Reinforcing Bar - 5 Pack

Lightweight helical wires. 5mm x 7m stainless steel helical reinforcement bars are ideal for use in existing buildings with narrow mortar joints having a height as little as 7mm. Pack of 5
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Price incl. VAT
6 mm x 7 m Helical Reinforcing Bar - 5 Pack

6 mm x 7 m Helical Reinforcing Bar - 5 Pack

6 mm x 7 m long helical bars. The 6mm stainless-steel reinforcing bar is the standard size rod used for most masonry repair applications. Pack of 5
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Price incl. VAT
8mm x 7m Heavy Duty Helical Bars - 5 Pack

8mm x 7m Heavy Duty Helical Bars - 5 Pack

These heavy duty helical bars are ideal for bed-joint reinforcement applications for use where additional sheer strength is needed. Pack of 5
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Price incl. VAT
Crack Stitching Rods 6 mm x 1 m - 100 Pack

Crack Stitching Rods 6 mm x 1 m - 100 Pack

Builders pack of 6mm high tensile helical bars for stitching and reinforcing areas of fractured brickwork - Length 1m - Pack of 100 pieces
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Price incl. VAT
Helical Stitching Bars 6mm x 1m - 480 Multi-Pack

Helical Stitching Bars 6mm x 1m - 480 Multi-Pack

Helical stitching bars for strengthening masonry walls. These high-tensile helical bars are manufactured from corrosion resistant stainless steel. 6mm x 1m helix x 480 pieces.
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