
Weed Control: Protect YOUR Property!

The start of summertime in the UK this year has (like so many other years!) been characterised less by sunshine and more by rain. Many homeowners are being driven to distraction by the rapid growth of weeds spurred by the heavy rainfall but some weeds could prove to be much more than just an unsightly nuisance. In this edition of the Twistfix blog, we look at some of the UK's worst weeds that can cause all sorts of serious damage, even reducing the financial value of your home. 

Japanese Knotweed
This invasive weed is seen in the headlines with increasing regularity. Easily recognised by its heart-shaped leaves, bamboo-like shoots and deceptively-pretty white flowers, Japanese knotweed grows extremely quickly, reaching up to as high as three metres. Below ground, its roots can spread as far as 20 metres. Clearing an infestation of the weed can be difficult as it can easily re-establish itself from the smallest remains. .

The roots of Japanese knotweed are extremely strong and their growth can damage underground services such as pipes and drains. Worse still, they can reduce the strength of a building's foundations, even causing them to collapse entirely. These and other damaging effects have led RICS Homebuyer Reports to classify Japanese knotweed as a property defect, which can lower that property's value by up to 15%.

Himalayan Balsam
Himalayan balsam has been found in the UK since 1839 but has become a more common sight in gardens in recent years. Like Japanese knotweed, it grows rapidly and can reach to over three metres tall. During the summer, Himalayan balsam develops pink flowers, the attractive colour of which can fool inexperienced gardeners into allowing the weed to remain.

As well as growing rapidly, Himalayan balsam is especially fecund, with each individual plant having the capability to spread close to a thousand seeds at a time. This fast growth and massive seed production requires a lot of light, water and nutrients which reduces the amount of these crucial elements available to other plants and thus causes a significant decrease in biodiversity.   

Ivy is another weed that is often encouraged to grow, as it imparts a traditional and attractively-aged aesthetic to a property. The fact is that ivy's ability to tenaciously cling onto walls can result in those walls cracking: this in turn deteriorates the quality of the mortar. The cracks can also allow moisture to enter a property, causing issues with damp that can be costly to repair. 

Twistfix supplies an extensive selection of weed control products to help combat these invasive plants and prevent the myriad problems that they can cause. Please browse our website to discover the complete collection and do not hesitate to get in touch with our technical team for expert advice. 

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