
Woodworm Season: How to Identify an Infestation

The previous edition of the Twistfix blog focused on how to successfully eradicate an infestation of woodworm. In this edition, we reveal four ways in which such an infestation can be readily identified.

  1. Exit Holes. The larvae of a number of species of wood-boring insects are collectively referred to as 'woodworm'. After hatching, the larvae begins to burrow through the internal structure of timber, eating as it goes. They can remain within the timber for as long as three years, forming long, winding tunnels that weaken the timber's structure. After pupating, the larvae become adult beetles that emerge from the timber to restart the breeding cycle, leaving a small exit hole behind them. 
  2. Frass. As an adult woodworm beetle emerges from timber, a small amount of extremely-fine sawdust often follows them: this powder is known as 'frass'. If holes in timber are discovered, the next step is to look closely in the vicinity for frass: the combination of exit holes and frass usually confirms that an active infestation of woodworm is present.
  3. Timber Damage. The complex of criss-crossing hollow tunnels formed by the action of burrowing woodworm larvae weakens timber internally: this weakening will eventually show at the surface, causing timber to become brittle, flaky and unstable. This type of damage can take a long time to be revealed and so is often noticed in long-term infestations that have not been remedied. 
  4. Dead Beetles. Adult woodworm beetles are notoriously shy and so it is only rarely that they are seen alive. As the beetles die soon after breeding, which takes place on the surface of timber, it's far more likely to find dead individuals either the vicinity of an affected area or on the sill of a nearby window, to which they are attracted by the natural daylight. 

Twistfix supplies an extensive collection of products designed to offer a reliable solution to the problem of woodworm infestations. For more information about these products, check out our website and last week's edition of the Twistfix blog.

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