The Pothole Problem... Solved!
Vehicle breakdowns attributed to potholes increased by almost two-thirds during the first three months of this year, according to figures recently released by the RAC. The company received 3,426 calls from drivers who had broken down as the result of driving over a pothole (problems ranged from distorted wheels to broken suspension springs); this figure represents a rise of 64% on the three previous months.
The coronavirus lockdown began on 23rd March which means that the pothole-attributed breakdown data collected by the RAC from January to March includes nine days during which road traffic was much less than usual: this is highly likely to have reduced the number of pothole-related breakdowns.
Nicholas Lyes is the Head of Roads Policy at the RAC. Commenting on the recently-released figures, he said: "The last thing any driver needs on the way to do their essential weekly shop is to suffer a nasty pothole-related breakdown that puts their car out of action, especially with fewer garages open than usual. This means the quality of local roads is, ironically, as important as ever.
The problem of potholes appears to be getting steadily worse, with the RAC also reporting that drivers are 1.6 times more likely to suffer a pothole-related vehicle breakdown than they were in 2006. A report published by the Asphalt Industry Alliance showed that councils in England and Wales would have to spend more than £11bn over the coming decade in order to 'bring all the roads up to scratch'.
Twistfix is a proud supplier of British-made and BBA Approved Ultracrete Permanent Pothole Repair, a versatile cold-lay asphalt designed for the professional remediation of potholes on roads, pavements, driveways and car parks. Available in a single 25kg tub or as part of a three-pack kit that also includes bitumen cold joint sealer, this is a consistently-bestselling product here at Twistfix.
Find out all the details about Ultracrete Permanent Pothole Repair on the Twistfix website.