
That's not Weed, It's KNOTWEED!

As we welcome back warmer, drier weather (at least that’s what we all hope!), it is important to remember that we aren’t the only ones - early spring is the time when Japanese knotweed started its invasive growth cycle and so now many people are just starting to realise the chain of events that has been set in motion The weed causes an array of problems if it’s growing on your property so check out our guide to identifying it and then make sure to chose a contractor who uses products you can trust...

From Japan to the UK

The intrepid explorer Philipp von Siebold was the first European to come into contact with knotweed and was very much taken with the way it appeared to resemble bamboo. He took specimens back to his native Holland, from where some was brought to London for exhibiting at Kew Botanical Gardens. Little did anyone know the destructive chain of events that they were setting in motion.

How to Spot Japanese Knotweed

The plant is now on the list of the world’s most invasive plant species, as compiled by the World Conservation Union. Knowingly allowing it to grow on your property or spreading any plant material is against the law and surveyors now regularly check new properties for signs of the issue - many mortgage applications have been thus refused. You can spot Japanese knotweed by its:

Hollow stems, which feature a distinctive pattern of raised bumps similar to bamboo

Excessive height of up to 4m in extreme cases

Oval leaves

Small, cream or off-white flowers

The Effects

The tough, complex root system of Japanese knotweed is easily able to severely damage masonry, road/pavement surfaces and building foundations, as well as the vital flood defences that have been tested to and beyond the limit recently up and down the UK. There are few, if any, herbaceous species that can survive the onslaught and cutting the weed down only causes vigorous resprouting.

A Professional Solution

As it is so aggressive, invasive and hardy, Japanese knotweed requires professional removal by a specialist, qualified team and they need to be using reliable materials. Use Roundup and say sayonara to Japanese knotweed!

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