
Professional Weed Control from Twistfix

March 29th will see an easing of restrictions as part of the UK governments roadmap out of COVID lockdown. The new rules will see a return to the 'rule of six', allowing any six people to meet in an outdoor setting. Additionally, any two households will be allowed to gather in an outdoor space without restriction on their numbers.

The new rules mean that outdoor spaces are going to become of particular importance in the coming weeks. With springtime here and the weather improving, the growth of weeds is going to become more problematic. Contractors who provide weed control services are therefore going to be very busy and should stock up on the essential products they will need to effectively provide such services.

Twistfix supply a comprehensive collection of professional weed control products. The collection includes:

Roundup Pro Bio

The choice of professionals, from councils to groundsmen, for effective weed control, triple-strength Roundup Pro Bio contains glyphosate at a concentration of 360 grams per litre. Perfect for use in a wide variety of locations including paths, hard ground, driveways, gardens and roadsides, Roundup Pro Bio can be used to treat all sorts of weeds from bracken, ivy, rhododendron and grasses to the hardy and extremely-destructive Japanese knotweed. We supply Roundup Pro Bio in single containers of five litres or as a cost-effective multipack containing three five-litre containers.

Please note that this product is intended for professional use only. The purchaser must ensure that the user of this product is in possession of the appropriate certificates that are required by sections 8 and 9 of the The Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012.

Roundup Pro Bio

Knotweed Injection Gun

For hollow stem invasive weeds like Himalayan balsam, giant hogweed and the notorious Japanese Knotweed, stem injection of glyphosate is far more effective than simple spraying. Our Knotweed Injection Gun allows the user to inject a precisely-calibrated dose of herbicide directly into the stem portion of such weeds. This offers many advantages over spraying including reduced wastage and a lower risk of damage to surrounding flora. The treatment is also unaffected by windy or wet weather.

Knotweed Injection Gun

Please browse the Twistfix website to discover our complete collection of professional weed control products.

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